Natural Nourishment

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Natural Nourishment

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The Wild Mountain Hay is a very special hay, completely natural, with a wide floristic range of fowers!


Wild Mountain Hay by Nature’s Touch comes from the meadows located in the territoriy of the Vall de Cabó (inside the province of Lleida, Spain), where a grat variety of wild plants grows with no human intervention. During the past 100 years no agricultural work has been done on these fields.

The Wild Mountain Hay is a very special hay, completely natural, with a wide floristic range of fowers, over 40 different species, amongst others you can find fesue, ryegrass, sativa, felty gerrymander… All hightly palatable species. Is a Hay 100% natural, without pesticides, artificial colorants or preservatives. Is the most natural hay you can find in the market.

And with calendula!

Net weight: 1 kg

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